Stacey Combes
Professor, Department of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior
Lab/office: 155A Hutchison Hall
[CV] [GoogleScholar]
sacombes [at]
Rachel Crane
Postdoctoral researcher
Christofer Brothers
Graduate student, Animal Behavior Graduate Group
Sofía Meléndez Cartagena
Graduate student, Animal Behavior Graduate Group
Katie Jordan
Graduate student, Neuroscience Graduate Group
Brady Nichols
Graduate student, Animal Behavior Graduate Group
Victoria Lopez Campos
Post-baccalaureate researcher
Former Lab Members – U.C. Davis
Nicholas Burnett, Postdoctoral researcher, 2017-2023,
Susie Gagliardi, Research Associate, 2013-2021
Marc Badger, Postdoctoral researcher, 2016-2019
Victor Ortega-Jimenez, Postdoctoral researcher, 2016-2017,
Emily Keliher, Undergraduate researcher, 2020-2022
Annaliese Wargin, Undergraduate researcher, 2017-2020
Ukyoung Chang, Research assistant, 2016-2017
Undergraduate researchers:
(1 year or less)
Yaxuan Guo, 2023-2024
Ulises Martinez, 2023-2024
Karen Vasquez, 2022-2023
Daniella Guizarnotegui Gomez, 2021-2022
Kelly Fong, 2021
Clarissa Serna, 2021
Emma Griffis, 2021
Gwen Little, 2019-2020
Faisal Umerani, 2019-2020
Ahmad Azizi, 2018
Beverley Loo, 2018-2019
Mariana Flores, 2018
Kathleen Pugh, 2018
Jacqueline Baeza-Monroy, 2016-2017
Rene Cuellar, 2017
Janna Vaystub, 2017
Franziska Degen, 2016
Former Lab Members – Harvard
Mary Salcedo, Graduate student, 2013-2019,
Jake Peters, Graduate student, 2012-2018
Callin Switzer, Graduate student, 2012-2017
James Crall, Graduate student, 2010-2016,
Andrew Mountcastle, Postdoctoral researcher, 2010-2015,
Nick Gravish, Postdoctoral researcher, 2013-2015,
Sridhar Ravi, Postdoctoral researcher, 2012-2014,
Undergraduate and post-baccalaureate researchers:
Andrew Clark, 2014-2016
Emily Mistick, 2014-2015
Jeremy Chang, 2014-2015
Kenneth Brown, 2015
Robert Oppenheimer, 2015
Justin Downer, 2015
Lucas McNeilly, 2013-2014
Anita Murrell, 2012-2013
Kelsey McKenna, 2012-2013
Teressa Alexander, 2013
Jude Russo, 2013
Jay Iwasaki, 2010-2012
Daniel Rundle, 2010-2012
Cassandra Urquhart, 2010-2012
Meelyn Pandit, 2012
Terra Weiland, 2012
Amber DesLauriers, 2011
Candido Diaz, 2011
Kelly Holt, 2010
Ifedayo Kuye, 2010
Siddhartha Mukherjee, 2009